When I get really horny and I can’t find my normal masturbation tools …. I look for my electric toothbrush…. Here’s my secret: I use the bristle side. Sometimes I rub it on my clitoris … and turn it ON FULL POWER. It feels sooo good. Trust me! The toothpaste adds a minty lube feeling.
You’ll Get Wet
Put toothpaste on your clit. It feels great…you’ll get wet…try it.
A Dab Will Do Ya
For penetration try an ice-cream scoop handle. Removable shower heads, the kind with a hose that come off of the wall, work great. Just stand in a wide stance and spray up onto your clit. A little (teeny, tiny bit) toothpaste rubbed on your clit provides a neat sensation.
Icy Hot
I put toothpaste on the head of my vibrator and rub it on my clit. It feels cold and hot and tingly at the same time, and it prolongs my orgasm.